What does our Constitution protect us from?
Whether you believe yourself to be Conservative, Liberal,
Progressive, Marxist, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Communist,
Constitutionalist, Green, Secularists, Spiritualist, Judeo Christian, Catholic,
Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Anarchist, Socialist or any and blend, version,
brand, religion or combination of any of the above, the Constitution of the
United States of America doesn't care.
In fact the Constitution of the United States of America doesn't recognize your ideological brand of politics, it doesn't care what you
think, and it definitely does not authorize you, me or even 340 Million of us
to legislate it.
If I just pissed you off or threw you for a loop…good!
Our national conversation, elections, protests, petitions,
legislation, legal battles, riots, blogs, tweets have little to do with
representing the Constitution and the Liberty it protects and far more to do
with our need to dispense our own version of morality and thus justify
ourselves through demagoguery no matter how righteous or patriotic it sounds.
If you think that was harsh, insensitive, bullish or
flippant than you should read on.
I am going to give you the Encarta Dictionary’s definition (in
italics) of our disgusting and vile
desire to rule over our environment, neighbors, States and countrymen in the
name of whatever ideology listed above.
The Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution, says you and
I are free to live our lives unencumbered by or secure from:
Democracy: a system of
government based on the principle of majority decision-making
This by definition is;
belonging to or believing in a political system in which obedience to the
ruling person or group is strongly enforced
This, whether in a micro environment (neighborhood, village,
city, county), State or Nation is by definition;
Fascism: any movement,
ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control
of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism
And forward;
Despotism: rule by a
despot or tyrant
And forward;
Tyranny: oppressive
government by one or more people who exercise absolute power cruelly and
And forward;
Absolutism: a political
system in which the power of a ruler is unchecked and absolute
Every one of those terms of political rendering are
forbidden by our Constitution in any way shape or form, no matter how happy you
think it makes you, your neighbor, or State.
Even one infraction against one person or group is treason
against the United States of America and Constitutional Republic upon which we
Treason: a violation of
the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an
The enemy can be your neighbor, President or Congressmen
just as easily as it can be another country in a far off land. Any enemy of the
Constitution is your, my, enemy.
Constitutional Republic:
politics authorized by a constitution, especially the Constitution of the
United States
Rinse Repeat;
“Whether you believe yourself to be Conservative, Liberal,
Progressive, Marxist, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Communist,
Constitutionalist, Green, Secularists, Spiritualist, Judeo Christian, Catholic,
Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Anarchist, Socialist or any and blend, version,
brand, religion or combination of any of the above, the Constitution of the
United States of America doesn’t care.
In fact the Constitution of the United States of America
doesn’t recognize your ideological brand of politics, it doesn’t care what you
think, and it definitely does not authorize you, me or even 340 Million of us
to legislate it.”
If you say “everything is politics” or “we cannot separate
politics from our belief system” then you need educated. Seriously folks;
Politics: the theory and
practice of government, especially the activities associated with governing,
with obtaining legislative or executive power, or with forming and running
organizations connected with government
Fact: the Constitution doesn’t care what your favorite
Forefather, Congressman, President or Supreme Court Justice thinks or says. The
Constitution doesn’t mention the Republican Party, the Democrat Party,
Conservative or Liberal isms, it doesn’t mention your particular brand of God
or non-God theories, faith, morals, or your whatever goes, or only certain
things go attitude.
The Constitution protects your right as an individual, group
or even 99.999% of everyone in the US to espouse any ideology whether it be
Conservative, Liberal, Progressive, Marxist, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian,
Communist, Constitutionalist, Green, Secularists, Spiritualist, Judeo Christian,
Catholic, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Anarchist, Socialist or any and blend,
version, brand, religion or combination of any of the above, the Constitution
of the United States of America doesn’t care. It protects even that .001% of
the population from your prejudice.
The moment you make it political is the moment you've decided to legislate (lord it over) your fellow man.
What if your religion, ideology, demands you hate the
Constitution? Demands you hate people protected by the Constitution? Who cares!
If you’re a citizen of the United States of America the Constitution doesn’t
afford you the right to politicize it. If you can’t rectify your ideology with
unalienable rights, too bad, your misery or happiness is not mine to interfere
For all of our pie in the sky stupidity and for all of our
philosophical bloviating that demands we, the superior majority, minority,
whatever, have the greatest blue print to the most perfect society, none of which
are authorized to encroach upon the unalienable rights of our fellow man.
Our politics, the president, congress, state governments,
local governments, parties, religions, corporations, employees, unions, non
unions, anyone or any entity in the United States of America is politically
bound by the Constitution of this United States of America. All other politics
need not apply!
The Executive Summary (Preamble) of the Constitution
(Business Plan) of the United States of America authorizes our politics to be
this, and only within this scope:
“We the People of the
United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do
ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
Every line in the Constitution was written in complete and
utter agreement to that purpose.
Unconstitutional amendments, legislation, mottos, titles of
nobility, executive orders, treaties, ordinances, rules, regulation, acts and
policy notwithstanding, all by definition treason to the United States of
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