Saturday, February 11, 2012

Conservatism: the New Civil Rights Movement

By Larry Spencer

There is a specific group of American citizens, Conservatives, who have fundamental differences with this government. The differences are profound and intense; striking at the core of each of the party’s most deeply held beliefs. It could be said that they are irreconcilable.

Granted there have been high levels of tension between portions of the citizenry and the government before. Most notable are those related to civil rights, particularly institutionalized racial prejudice. The discordance resulted in uniquely American uprisings such that they were found ultimately to correct the government, realigning it with the principles of our Foundation enumerated in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It is therefore fitting that the people who formed the government to secure these rights would be those who also have the right to admonish that very same government for failing to secure them. The Civil Rights Movement was an exercise of this very principle.  

While “civil rights” is a phrase that has since been narrowed by characteristics of this predominant example in history, that of a racial minority being discriminated against, the principles upon which the Movement was based must not thereby be lost to the application of other oppressions.

It is indeed an irony that “civil rights” have also been narrowly understood to have been championed by the liberal and thwarted by conservatives. This not only in the sense that historically leftist regimes have little to show of any form of civility and have used “helping the downtrodden” only as an excuse for their tyrannical designs, but also that conservatism itself might now become the new oppressed group.

It is further an irony that liberals who claim to hold the banner of civil rights would even now oppress and actively seek the ruin of a group of citizens based upon their creed: conservatism.  

Furthermore, they play the same tactics over and over again regardless of the contorted hypocrisy to the underlying “principles” which they claim to possess. Now that they take claim of the government and stand against their ideological opponent citizens, they seek to become the victims of “belligerent insurgents” who might stand in their way, dispensing with civil rights issues. It is as if the oppressed are now supposed to become the oppressors of the government by their dissent.

The only way for this to effectually transpire is for this government to apply enough pressure on conservatives to react in a manner which they can characterize as “terrorism” against the United States. Secondarily, if the conservatives fail to attempt such an overt “realignment” of government (and although it is their right under the Constitution), then the government must manufacture “threats.”

Since the “war on terror” is one which is elusive and amorphous, it does not have a definable ending. This allows it to be the perfect pretext for a “solution” that also will continue indefinitely. Thus conservatives or someone (Occupy Wall Street?) must fill the role of the threat, in order to legitimize a permanent and “fundamental” change.

But why do they need to be legitimate? Why not just get it done, take over and start their post America regime? The government needs an excuse to clamp down on the people, for without it, the transition to the new form of government will be more difficult. After all, there are millions of Americans who value their freedoms.

After the transition, all of the oppressive mechanisms will be in place and the issue of legitimacy will have taken its last breath. The new government will not have to worry about the opinions of its “subjects” anymore.

It is like giving someone a “sucker punch.” You would like your opponent to be as clueless as possible before you hit him. Once he has been hit, the rest of the dominance becomes academic.

If the people were to rise up in the proper manner, the government could lose control of the process and face the possibility of failure before achieving the dominance.

For example, if a segment of the public were aware of the conspiracy and in possession of facts supporting that it is under construction, they could short circuit the treason by rallying enough of the general public to put it to a stop before the “sucker punch” occurs.

To offset this possibility, the rogue government takes over the media, demonizes the group which is contrary to its designs and then positions itself to the general public as the victim of an illegitimate insurgency. If this dialogue is allowed to prevail, the dissenting group is neutralized: if they rise up to put a stop to the development of the oppressive infrastructure, they play the role of belligerents and thereby invite the oppression of which they sought to allay; if they do not rise up, the development of the oppressiveness increases until there is the desired uprising or the final state of oppression is reached by default, the general public having been led like sheep to the slaughter. Either way, the general public will have sustained the “sucker punch” and will then be subject to the full weight of oppression before having the ability to fight back.

The “general public” is here defined as those who are either not aware of the threats to our liberty, or are aware but believe they will come out ahead of their opponent after class warfare or elections.

Since the liberals and their media have worked on labeling Conservatives bigots for years, the dissenters of treason must proactively thwart this inevitable spin or there will be substantial forces who might believe that selective oppression of Conservatives should be allowed as “payback” for prior oppressions they account to Conservatives. The fight against treason and widespread oppression will be fractured by making it a fight between haves and have-nots, between the religious and secular cultures. Therefore, the positions articulated in the dissenting events must not be piecemeal or divisive but formulate the commonality of interests among all freedom-loving Americans.

As for those who rely solely on elections or common political processes, they simply do not understand the scope and resolve of this regime’s ideological ambitions or the ideology’s history.

In order for the rogue government to lose the force of its oppression, the general public must understand the truth: the government is the oppressor, or intended oppressor, of the civil rights of the rallying group, the Conservatives, because they seek expansive oppression. The rallying of citizens must not only be accomplished by getting this information out without appearing belligerent to “America” (as impudently defined by those in power) but must garner the truthful understanding that it is classical, albeit fundamental, American dissent. Once they understand that the oppression based on the creed of a particular group of people is being set up to establish expansive oppression, more will rally behind them. Discrimination is easily understood to be immoral and the value of freedom would be soberly weighed against its loss without valid pretext by a wide range of the public.

A note from CLDC: Our web site is packed full of documents and videos directly from the Government outlining their intentions and the actions they have already taken to strip us of our “unalienable Rights”, we believe it is our duty and yours to educate ourselves on these issues and stand against the onslaught of Tyranny

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