Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Join CLDC?

Written by Larry Spencer and Jason Mann

The Need for Bold Dissent

"If it be asked, what is to restrain the House of Representatives from making legal discriminations in favor of themselves and a particular class of the society? I answer: the genius of the whole system; the nature of just and constitutional laws; and above all, the vigilant and manly spirit which actuates the people of America -- a spirit which nourishes freedom, and in return is nourished by it."
 James Madison

Our government was structured specifically to offset the tendency to become oppressive. Hence, we have the Republican form of government with separation of powers and individually sovereign states.

However, the structure of our government itself has been eroded by unjust, unconstitutional laws which discriminate in favor of a ruling class and against those who would dissent against such affronts to our Constitutional liberties. Since the political structure and processes have been degraded, the duty we have as Americans, of having a “vigilant and [courageous] spirit,” is now an especially significant factor in maintaining our freedom.

Though we are used to operating within the political process, voting, writing and calling representatives in government, we cannot solely rely on these anymore. They may have varying degrees of success for different issues but are limited when laws such as NDAA are drafted behind closed doors and with little concern for public opinion. Therefore, we cannot simply assume that these normal methods are effective under such a state of degradation.

The erosions of our freedoms and State Rights are anything but new, but over the past several decades the Federal Government has whittled away the powers of the State leaving them little more than the title of an indentured slave. Even our ability to travel from one city to the next is regulated, taxed and managed by the Fed. Every single time Congress writes a new bill our State representatives clamor over each other vying for the chance to trade our individual Liberties for a piece of the national pie.

When our “representatives” fail to put checks on executive abuses of power and make laws which threaten our basic constitutional protections, it is time we as a people take some responsibility for our freedom directly. And by unifying those of us who love this country and the principles upon which it was built, we would further embolden others to such a necessary expression of vigilance.

Thus, CLDC seeks to provide a vehicle of expression for patriots who accept the weight of responsibility that these perilous times place upon us. We cannot leave the fate of our nation up to the hope that we will pick the right president or representative alone; the tentacles of corruption have gone too deep, and tyranny is at the door. If we are honest with ourselves, we must have the courage to admit this and own the words of Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address: “…that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

The Need for Strategic Dissent

There is no shortage of evidence that this government wants a “fundamental transformation” that is clearly against what most citizens who value the Constitution would agree to. Congress has drafted laws to deal with such dissenters, including provisions of NDAA 2012 (initiated by the President) and The Enemy Expatriation Act.

All of this is done under the guise of protecting the people from terrorism even while the Taliban is not considered an enemy but “Patriots” or “Constitutionalists” or “Christians” are sited as potential “rightwing domestic terrorists.” The Obama administration and its allies have vocally referred to the Tea Party as terrorists.

We have watched as our Congressmen, Senators and Presidents openly defy the most basic of checks and balances, from secret deliberations, such as super committees and pacts, to non- recess appointments, to declaring a Federal intent to take over and run our businesses, and call in the heads of international and foreign companies to write and deliberate on our United States job bills, and as our one peaceful line of defense (our State Representatives) applaud and cheer at the announcements of new assaults on the Constitution in the name of good intentions.

The main stream media is predictably muted on these assaults to our Constitutional Republic.

The Occupy Wall Street movement, engineered by organizations and individuals with close ties to the Obama administration, has tried to raise the kind of demonstrations which can supply the fodder for declaring the martial law or police state which this government gears up for at the same time. They have taken this strategy right from the playbook of Communist countries such as China and many other oppressive Regimes

All an oppressive government needs to effect change is our school system, they have it!  Over the past few generations our children have been taught false history, crony science, socialist ideology, and that above all else, the government will protect you from the foibles of your misguided parents.

The very Government which was established to protect the fundamentals and liberty of a capitalist society has so corrupted its core principles that they have made “capitalism” a dirty and vile word, the word which defines us.      

 In the grand scheme of things, the corrupted Federal and State government systems count on confusion being the author of our destruction. Through guile and greed they have spread a shroud of disbelief over every issue, even our Constitution, so much so that uprisings, such as the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party are constantly at odds within their own messages, struggling to articulate between realty and predispositions.

Therefore, the people seem to have a limited choice: sit back and work with a deteriorating political system and hope for a return to normalcy or risk giving cause for further oppression and destruction of the Constitution by protesting.

CLDC provides the strategic method whereby citizens can get the issue of the assault on the Constitution and our basic freedoms at the center of public discourse. This would then work to make it very difficult for the assault to be successful.

The government will be exposed to being the threat against America as opposed to patriotic citizens. Any institution of oppressive tactics will henceforth be seen by the citizenry, military, law enforcement and the international community as what it is: criminal.

What Makes the CLDC Different?

     First it is important to recognize the hard work and dedication of every patriotic group operating today. Without the determination and drive of our partners in the fight against tyranny this country would have given itself over to the enemies of liberty without as much as a whimper.

     Every blow to freedom has been met with small bands of well intentioned men and women, through education, debate, legal actions, protests, phone calls, letters, petitions and votes. We have desperately tried to hold corrupted men accountable within a wholly corrupted environment.

     It is time to change the environment. It is time we put aside our petty differences and declare our freedoms with one voice. It is time we stand together on those issues which affect all other, our Liberty.

“We the People” can come together for a few minutes at a time and confront tyranny were it stands, demand to be heard, and force our representatives to recognize our resolve and our commitment to hold them accountable to the Supreme Law of the Land.

     The CLDC does not represent any one race, creed, or religion. We cannot, and will not support any call to action within the CLDC, that does not bear the full burden of proof, calls for religious moralities to be mandated at the federal level, lends it support to any candidate for office, or any action which usurps the true constitutional authority and the separation of powers which supports the institution of the federal government.           

     We are a “volunteer” organization only, we have designed our system of action to cost little or no monies to anyone involved. In today’s society a .org is nothing more than a corruptible ATM with tax free incentives to prey on anyone looking to make a difference. We want no part of it. All we ask for is a little bit of time and that our members cover the cost of their own signs and any legal permits required for a protest within their own community.

     Our message is 100% above reproach. We will only speak to the damage and oversteps of the Federal Government to “deny or disparage those certain rights retained by the people” through the Constitution of the United States of America and those truths we as a nation hold to be self evident.

      Every action, sign and speech will have the full support of the constitution, our diverse members, legal representation, and any rule of law of which each State and City we take action in upholds. It is our duty as legal and free citizens to respect the rights of our neighbors and our countrymen wherever we may stand.

       We hope that you will join us in this just and necessary cause, whether by our birth right or by our sworn allegiance as new comers to this great country, we all have been given the honorable duty of protecting our Constitution and our Freedom against any form of government which would oppress us. 

 How CLDC Will Operate

CLDC has designed events across the nation which will be relatively small in size. There will be 10-15 events with only 100-200 demonstrators at each event.

Each event will be tightly choreographed. Each speaker at each event will be saying the exact same message across the nation, at the same real time.

The events will have impact, not due to large sizes or raucousness, but due to the method and message.

The events will not be misconstrued or spun by the media. The small size and uniformity of the recorded messages avoid any possibility of terming the event an insurrection or rebellion. Any disorderly conduct or violent or otherwise unlawful behavior will be immediately responded to by a sudden dissolution of the event, which is small enough to accomplish within minutes. That there are many events allows for some to have to fold due to infiltration while others remain.

The nature of the events, non-violent and legally above reproach will be supplied to local authorities and the press prior to the events. Each member who attends an event will be required to sign an agreement to conduct themselves in a legal, non-violent manner and to cooperate with local organizers.

The full text of the event message will be posted on the web site prior to the event.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting .. I've shared this on Twitter and Facebook.
